Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Should I Considered Before Cooking?

Today I'm going to share you all which to cook that is healthier to the body, continuing on how

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As we all know that fruits and vegetables are the important source of nutrition to our diets. But as how much we eat? And how can we make this nutrition stuff easier, tastier and more enjoyable?

Firstly Easy ways to make healthier and tastier meals.
If anyone of you eating habits are  like most Americans and you are looking for the simplest advice possible we would tell you to eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and less of just about everything else.

But if you’re ready for just a bit more guidance,See Below

1. Use Less Oil Olive Oil

Not all fat is bad. Opt for unsaturated (e.g., olive oil) over saturated fats such as butter. But still use them in moderation because all fats are loaded with calories.

2. Choose Whole Grain Than Whole Wheat 


3. Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Mostly people don’t event get enough those nutrients Aim for 4 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Choosing produce in a variety of colors to get a range of antioxidants and vitamins. A serving size is 1/2 to a cup depending on the fruit and vegetable. 

4. Not Just Meat
Many people thinks that eating meat is protein but it’s also a big source of saturated fat in many people’s diets. So eat small amounts of lean meat, fish and poultry. Fill up the rest of your plate with healthy vegetables and whole grains.

5. Sodium 
Always take note that Whether you have high blood pressure or not, it’s wise to watch your sodium intake. The USDA’s dietary guidelines for Americans recommend consuming less than 2,300 mg (about 1 teaspoon salt) daily.

Click Here To Link To Another Site For Healthy Cooking

That's All About It !!!

Publish By Aidil


  1. This is a very good post, well done on creating this advertisement for people like us who needs more healthy lifestyle in everday life :-) keep up the good work

  2. This is a very good post i ever seen, keep up the good work ^_^
