Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How Do We Lost Weight?

In this post you will see the different technique of exercising guide

Which are the intensity of activities that can be done?
Normal intensity of activities are those that causes mostly on:
  • The heart rate of increasing.
  • Having a sweat for break.
  • Able for communication with verbal by not sing while Exercising .
Examples of  Normal intensity activities are:
  • Brisk walking of 1 km in 10-15 minutes
  • Play Badminton
  • Leisurely bike riding on level ground, or with a few hills
  • Table Tennis
  • Swimming
  • Cycling

Besides That, Highly Recommendation Is that should use the gym ,

Examples of muscle-strengthening activities:
  • Free weights
  • Weight lifting machines
  • Resistance bands
  • Body Weight exercises, e.g., push-ups, sit-ups, squats.
The goal is to burn 2000 Kcal per week when trying to lose weight, no matter what the intensity level is. Focus on the activities that you like and you’ll be more likely to stick to it in the long run.

Publish By Aidil


  1. hey Aidil, in my personal observation that this blog you publish, you could have include more information than this, looks kind of bored i guess :( need more improvement :-P

  2. Cool blog but looks abit empty that's alright right? from what Jason have mention you have to keep do your best if you want your blog to look more power :-) Do your best Jia You Jia You !!!
