Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Keep Clam And Stay Healthy

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Your Health and Your electronic devices

Hi Everyone,

Do you know there are still other electronic devices that are harmful to your health?

For this topic, I would like to share with you all, what are the relation between your health and your electronic.

Mobile phones, what I mentioned last week , you all will surely be acknowledge what are the effects. 

Now, I would like to share other sensitive and dangerous electronic devices that you are using in your daily life.
Those include,

Wireless electronic devices

1.Wireless LAN

2.Remote Controls

3.Wireless Security Systems

4.Wireless Security Video Cameras

Above four things are those which emit radiations also have the same effects like mobile phones.

Example of wireless kills modern People

Nowadays most of modern family set up their personal wifi and connect with wireless computers , phones and tablets. If you check the photo beside, what you can see is their home is full of radiation emitting devices , it is very dangerous for their lives, daily lives. It's look like a cage full of toxic gases.

Another electronic things are

1.Your Computer

2.Your i pads, tablets

What is the effects of those ? You surely will know , isn't it ? Yes if you using those very too long time, your eyes will serious be affected. Computer Vision Syndrome is one of the most popular eye problem.So, be careful with using those things too.

Be Smart, Be Healthy

Posted by Ye Yint Shin Thant

Your Health and Your Heart

Is there anyone who want to know how to prevent heart related diseases?

Today I want to share with you how to prevent heart related diseases.

Today, there are so many people died all around the world in one second because of heart related diseases. Actually , heart related disease can be prevented easily before we got that. 

Even though we are suffering that diseases, we can prevent from fatal facts by preventing certain facts. 

1.Don't smoke or Use tobacoo.

2.Have a nice sleep everyday.

3.Eat healthy foods, don't eat salty foods.

4.Exercise everyday about 30 minutes

1. Don't smoke or Use Tobacoo 

Smoking make your heart's hearth seriously bad. Chemicals in those damage heart and blood vessels and also blood valves. So, the capacity of our heart becoming very low and low causing heart related disease. Another things is that smoking make the oxygen percentage in our blood disease. So can't even run for a while and become exhausted very quickly.

2.Have a Nice Sleep Everyday

While sleeping heart's cells and blood vessels make their healing processes. If you don't get enough sleep the consequses are heart related diseases.

3.Eat Healthy

Patients who are suffering heart related diseases need to eat healthy, should be prevent eating very salty, oily foods. Need to eat vegetables and healthy juices everyday.


4.Exercise Everyday

If you doing outdoor exercises especially running, the probability form getting diseases is very low. Even you got those diseases, you can prevent the certain fatal saturation by doing some physical exercises like Yoga.

Be Healthy, Be Smart

Posted by Ye Yint Shin Thant

Your Phone And your Health

Your Health and Your Mobile Phones

Do you know your mobiles phones are very dangerous radiation devices also there are many effects on your health you might still don’t know.

Do you know your mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range.

You Know? According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation as Group 2B - possibly carcinogenic (not Group 2A - probably carcinogenic).What that means that there "could be some risk" of carcinogenicity.

There are two effects of mobile phones’ radiation which will directly effect on your healthy body. 

  1. Thermal Effect 

  2. Non Thermal Effect

Thermal effect is that what mobile phones effects on your body tissues, in which way when you talk (on phone) radiations emit from your smart phones directly.

The following diagram show two stages of brain when the cell phone is on and when off

Non-thermal Effects includes following effects

  •  Blood–brain barrier effects
  •  Cancer
  • Cognitive effects
  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
  • Sleep and EEG effects
  • Brain glucose consumption
  • Behavioural effects

The above facts are how mobile phones effects on your body as well as your health.

 So, I also want to share with you how to prevent that effects as well. Even though the effects can’t be protected 100 %, we can decrease the effects above 70 % or more by doing the following things.

  •  Keep the mobile phone away from the body.
  •  Do not use telephone in a car without an external antenna
  •  Use phone-speaker if possible
  •  Do not use your phones in elevator, trains
  •  Do not use your mobile phones when battery is very low
  • Lastly Do not place your phones beneath your pillow when you sleep

 Be safe, be smart 

Posted by Ye Yint Shin Thant